Finally, progress has been made on the Easter front. I've officially decided, DYI, not so easy, not when most your ideas are coming form "eggs-cellent" fellow bloggists and Martha Stewart.
Martha, honey, you come up with the most difficult crafts, bless your heart (which excuses the fact I am blog-ttacking you for the moment). Gorgeous, but no easy task. Like your glitter eggs. "Blow out 10 eggs, rinse, wait for dry time, primer the eggs for better adhesion, drench in craft glue and then carefully dip in fine glitter. Now place on your drying rack ( homemade by you of course, by taking a slab of Styrofoam, pinning in in grid-like fashion and being sure the pins are at the same depth so your eggs sit ever so carefully atop to dry). Repeat process to other side of egg" (or as you may be referring to it by now, 'the dark side of the egg'). So, fine crafting glitter is SUPER expensive. And it comes in tiny bottles. TINY bottles.
So, I opted for plastic eggs, big chunky glitter (read--> on sale at Hobby Lobby, 50% off) and ALLLOTTT of craft glue.

Personally, I like the chunky glitter:

Siiiiiiiiigh, I love pretty hydrangea flowers (was impressed with the quality of fabric flowers at Michael's, especially with the 40% off price):

Yes, I cheated and got out old glass Christmas ornaments and did the button thing again. Don't judge, you try being creative after your bedtime. I needed quick and easy and something I could leave up for summer:
Didn't have any antique, old, new or used sheet music, so I used scrapbook paper and mod-podged it up. Helpful hint, the skinnier your strips of paper, the prettier your egg:

And now for the coup d'état. It nearly over-ran, over-threw and held hostage every rational thought in my mind at one point. But I had to have it. First, it was simply the "wreath windows" idea. Then I started scheming, plotting and nearly stood by as my thoughts staged the ultimate betrayal, running wildly throughout dreamland. Visions of handmade banners, wall worthy wreaths and hanging handmade eggs rampantly berated my "keep it simple" train of thought. Finally, "hippity hoppity" made the cut, as did the wall worthy wreaths and a few handmade carnation flowers. Simple in theory, we won't talk about the Cricut machine doing some weird voo-doo on my letter sizing (most likely my misunderstanding) or the mod-podge trying to swallow my paper into the wrinkled, slumdogging it underworld.
And I wanted a little "natural" corner. FYI, while not the easiest to use, all the eggs used in these DIY projects, are indeed plastic, cheapo, break in half to fill with candy eggs. And coffee filters, my new best friend. Is there anything you CAN'T use them for? :)
What have YOU been doing for Easter? Hope it's a great Easter celebration for all!
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