Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pile o' Cake!

We're back! Well, somewhat.

Cory and I got married on July 2nd, 2010. My whole family came down to the Florida (minus Elder Sambo--he's currently away for two years on business in Brazil) and had a whole lot of fun going crazy together! I love them. A lot o f the aspects of the wedding were DIY, and it really made every detail more meaningful to us to see all the love everyone put in to make it work.

I was going to wait for Jackie to put this one up, but it seems she is preoccupied with raising Jefferson, running a household, redecorating, hand crafting baby girl bedding, and generally getting ready for little Jane to arrive in November (some people are just sooo busy)...so here it is:

Jackie flew down here to Florida a week early so she could get started on this little beauty. I'm not a huge fondant fan, but this home made marshmallow stuff actually isn't bad at all. I would even go so far to say that it is...really good! Which feels wrong to me, a staunch fondant hater. But hey--these hips don't lie.

 I'm sure Jackie would love to post her recipe! Right, Jackie??

{Insert your recipe HERE...}

I'll be posting a few more projects from the wedding, and a few things we've been working on as we set up shop in our first little apartment together!

On a side note, now that all of us sisters are married, we now have different last names! A friend suggested the tagline: "The sisters formerly known as Hansen". Ha!

Until next time,



  1. you're back! i couldn't believe my eyes at first, i thought it was a mirage!

    that cake is so perfect, so much personality!


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