Thursday, April 15, 2010

Heads Up

I love headbands. I really, really do. They're just so...wholesome.
I recently made a little flower/ribbon headband that was just perfect for some engagement pictures Kim Brock was taking for us. I'll show you guys a decent picture of it:

Isn't she fabulous?! I love it. And it gives you a pretty good look at the ol' head band too.
This is the only decent picture you're going to see. The rest of these were taken with my cell phone. Sorry guys. Mama needs a new camera.
I don't know who originally discovered that when you burn fabric it curls up at the edges. I really don't. I've been seeing these things everywhere, and this is how I do it. I can't take credit for the idea, only this particular instance of doing it. M'kay?

Step 1: Cut circles of various sizes out of fabric. Seven was a bit much for one flower. Three was a good amount. Learn from my mistakes. Every fabric I tried curled up perfectly with the burning, so I'm not sure what the limits are on fabric you can use for this. Brown suede and shimmery silk are a go for sure. I don't know the science behind the whole fire/fabric reaction.

Step 2: Place your fabric circle's edges close to your heat source. It should just melt right up within seconds. My heat source happened to be "Sweet Pea" from Yankee Candle. It worked for this and smelled delicious.

Step 3: Nestle your various sizes of crispy edged circles together and put a few strong stitches through the middle to keep 'em that way.

Step 4: Embellish with a cute button, gem, misc. bead, and attach to a cardigan, headband, magnet, or whatever else you desire.

I attached these beauties to all of the above. The headband in the picture was made with a brown suede flower, silky ribbon and an elastic ponytail band. Super quick and easy!

I'm linking up to Frugalicious Friday.


  1. Hey...I featured your cute headband in my Frugalicious Friday Favorites post! Thanks for linkin' up!

    Jane Finding Fabulous

  2. I have tried this, but never suede! That sounds (and looks) fantastic!


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