Monday, May 21, 2012

Get a headboard, gain a oasis!

I've obsessed, planned, draped, dressed, and gussied up my bed for what seems like years.  You know  those moments, the ones where you think you've done such a good job on something, only to take a picture and think, 'It doesn't REALLY look like that, does it?'.

That was my bed for a while.  Bedding collections- really not worth it for me.  I thought I liked matchy bedding.  Who doesn't like a well coordinated, flowing space, right?  Evidently, three bedding collections later, I don't.  I like to hunt down the perfect pillow, the cutest throw, the softest sheets and then pile them all up on the bed and hope they work!

Also, headboards are not over rated.  I came, I learned, I am a believer.  Get a headboard, they are worth it.  Even if it's not an official headboard, get something above you (not heavy or sharp edged please), it makes it oh so grand!

I wish I had a before, they were bad, so bad!  It's funny now.  It wasn't I deleted the offending pictures.

No further ado, here's the reformed, "mismatched" bed:

Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Mismatched is always the funnest anyways ;)


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