Thursday, August 18, 2011

One man's trash

First , we take the case of an old, ugly cake plate. The picture actually hides the brown distressed smears that just make you want to eat off of it, yum!With just a coat of spray paint, it becomes a chic little dish!

Milk Glass Vases
One time after a very successful trip to the thrift store, my husband asked me, "you do know why this stuff ends up there, don't you--it's junk." True enough, every time I go to a thrift store, I find myself coming home with a few (bags of) little treasures. The next problem is what to do with it before it just becomes clutter. Here I used mismatched vases to create a little window display. I think my junk is great!

Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

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