Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pile o' Wedding: Shanty to Chic Inspired Stands

This edition of Pile o' Wedding was actually brought to you by the ladies at Shanty to Chic. These stands that Whitney came up with using candlesticks and hat box lids were perfect for a buffet table. Click here for a link to their step by step tutorial. 

Here's our version:
Photo via Kimbe Photography

We only needed two levels, instead of the three on the original stand, so...we just left the top one off. We also finished it with a top coat of mod podge to keep it somewhat food safe.

Photo via Kimbe Photography

Action shot:

Photo via Kimbe Photography

Thank you Whitney at Shanty to Chic! This idea is pure gold!


  1. You had such good ideas. By-the-way, I would just like to point out that the first picture (of someone putting rolls on the stands) is me! ;) I'm famous! Haha Anyways, love your blog and love ALL of your fab ideas!

  2. hah--well I stole such good ideas. :) Thank you Holly!!! You were a serious work horse. Putting the rolls out was the least of your accomplishments that day!!!

  3. Those are awesome... They look expensive and classy and they are just made of hat box tops and candle stick holders... amazing! Looks great


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