Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mario Themed Birthday

If you know me, you probably know that I'm a sucker for a themed party. Cory's 23rd birthday was last week, and I had so much fun planning a Mario themed bash with my sister-in-law Tanya (who is basically an expert on all things Mario, and anything else awesome for that matter).

We decided to go with some low key cupcakes over one big cake. Red and green icing, with a few touches of white chocolate chips made the perfect little Mario 'shrooms:

I searched all over for gold chocolate coins (apparently they're seasonal items) but finally lucked out at Walmart. We used a star shaped cookie cutter on some lemon bars to make the little stars from the game. Chocolate sprinkles were the perfect eyes on these bad boys.

Princess Peach Lemonade was our drink of the evening. I just mixed a packet of Peach flavored Crystal Light, a packet of Lemonade flavored Crystal Light, and the appropriate amount of water. Easy Peasy. My brother made the little crown for the drink dispenser. Construction paper and tape, people. It's magical.

Speaking of construction paper and tape, thats exactly what Tanya used to make the pennant "Raceway" banner. And speaking of Tanya, behold her masterpiece:

 Two pounds of cheese, a few well placed crackers, and the aforementioned construction paper brings you a scene straight from the game. (I forget which level, world, and game...forgive me Tanya?)

And, what's the point of a Mario party, if not to exploit the mustache trend while it's still here? Black felt cutouts were super easy to make, and we just stuck them on with tiny adhesive scrapbooking glue dots. It worked for our very temporary needs.

We ate, modeled our 'staches, and played almost every Mario game invented. It was awesome, and worked out just perfectly for my big 23 year-old  kid at heart. I also see this working out great for any actual children's parties you might be planning, so feel free to use our ideas. We'd love to see your take on the idea!


Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

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