Sunday, November 14, 2010

I've got your number

I saw that Donna at Funky Junk Interiors was going to host a numbered theme linky party this week. I really wanted to play, but didn't have any projects w/ numbers planned...but then I started looking around the house, and realized that I've been stashing numbers all over the place! So, the I took my crappy camera for a walk around my poorly lit apartment to get some shots of the little numbers I've been hoarding for years...

Our wedding photographer gave us these old numbers after our engagement shoot this summer. She wasn't using them, and thought I might be interested. Ummm...yes please!
I plopped a few on our "entertainment center", and I think it adds the perfect little vintage touch to Cory's electronic mountain.

Then I stuck the a few more of these numbers in our "hall closet". 

All I had to do was take off the doors, and you have a whole new display space opened up! Is it sad that I have enough junk to justify sacrificing a closet for decorative purposes? Perhaps...

But it makes me so happy to see our little cake toppers along with these cute numbers :)

Our coffee table holds the rest of the tiny white number/letter collection. This tray corals our keys, cell phones, some handy pens, and a plethora of tiny white typography.

And the final stop on our tour of numbers would be my small but well loved collection of clocks. I started collecting these in middle school (I was what one might have called...a little different), and just love the numbers on these bad boys.

This one lives under the coffee table:

This one is tucked safely in the aforementioned "entertainment center":

 And this little baby is currently propped up with a SWEET teal door I saved from the trash certain death earlier today.  (Thanks to my junk spotting friend Kristen! Eagle Eyes! might have a problem if your friends leave you voicemails like this, "So, I was driving and I just spotted an old door in the trash...")

Those are all the number's I'm currently loving around my place :) I hope this qualifies for ze party!



  1. it is not sad you devote a closet for decorative purposes! it is awesome you don't have to use that closet for storage!

  2. hah--I can always count on you to make me feel better :)


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