Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Easy Peasy Pumpkin Muffins

So, the seasons are changing. In honor of this, and the fact that the giant can of pumpkin puree in my pantry expires next month, I decided to make some muffins.

A few years ago I had a boss who brought in some pumpkin muffins to share. She said that she made them by mixing a can of pumpkin, a cake mix, and a cup of water. They were super de duper moist, and sounded easy enough. I pulled from this vague memory to bring you:


1 yellow cake mix
1 can pumpkin puree (about 2 cups)
1 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup water
3 dashes cinamon
3 dashes pumpkin pie spices

Mix together thouroughly, fill greased/lined tins up to the brim, and bake for about 20 minutes on 350 degrees. Makes 12 billowing muffins. You could probably make 24 muffins, if you only fill the tins up halfway. But then their not as cute. Just sayin'.

The oatmeal added more texture to the muffins, and I found less water to be more appealing. You could also substitute spice cake mix, or any cake mix for that matter. My options were yellow and funfetti. I opted for yellow. But really, the sky is the limit here. They make your whole house smell delicious and autumn-y.

I made these two days ago, and just barely managed to snap this picture today of the last lonely little muffin. Between two people, thats pretty impressive. They are THAT good.

Try it, you won't be disappointed.


I'm going to link up to the CSI project. It's a new blog I just discovered--they schedule themed challenges so everyone brings their A game.  This week is the holiday baking challenge....does it count as baking if the majority of the ingredients are included with the words "Yellow Cake Mix"? Sure...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="aligncenter" src="" alt="Visit" ></a>

As always, check out the Party Central tab to see what weekly parties we love to link up to!


  1. I wish I'd had this recipe last night. I made pumpkin pie bars. They turned out good, but a little too sweet to serve for breakfast. I'll try these next time. :)

  2. You should! They are perfect for breakfast. But pumpkin pie bars sound delish.


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