Saturday, February 6, 2010

Animal Magnetism

I've been wanting to explore the capabilities of mod-podge for a while now. I knew the moment I saw this beauty at Goodwill that the time was right.

She's a beauty all right. I hammered that gorgeous embroidery right outta that frame, and got down to business.
Step 1: Spray paint frame black
Step 2: Get a piece of galvinized tin (can be found at Lowes for about $15.00) the fits your frame. If they don't have the exact size you can cut it down with some tin shears...or if you don't have those, you can play the ol' helpless card at the store until the poor associate goes to the back and finds a way to cut the sheet down to your specs. We went with the second option. You can leave it plain, but we decided to mod-podge wrapping paper. It was a little tricky. The wrapping paper was very thin, and tended to wrinkle. Character, right? Right. Thicker paper would have worked better. When it dries, insert it into frame.
Step 3: Glue cute buttons, ribbons, flowers, etc. onto cheapo magnets.
Step 4: Enjoy your new super cute memo magnet board.

And whats better than having a magnet board? Having 2 magnet boards!! The embroidery was stapled to this wooden frame:

I'm going to use some left over tin and make a more casual board for the kitchen--I'll let you know how it goes. For now I'm going to link this one up to the Shanty Sister's "I did it without my (future) hubby" party, and Today's Creative blog.


  1. Love it! Very cute. I'm stealing this idea! Haha! No, seriously, this may be my next project. :) And I'm your first follower! Sweet.

  2. Oh, I HAVE to make one. What a terrific idea! Thanks!

  3. This is great! Love black and white - style and function - WOW!

  4. Very Awesome! That is a gorgeous magnetic board!

  5. Love it! Love that print you used (I am still trying to figure out where I can use it in the house).

    Love the magnet board from a frame idea, too.



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