Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some little decor projects...

We added this little chandelier to our nursery. I got it at Home Depot. It adds just the right amount of vintage charm. Thanks for installing it Dad!
I made this magnet board earlier, but because I had to cut it with pliers, it was all bent around the corners--plus it looked a little drab with dull metal on heirloom white. I hot glued some pink and green corded trim around the perimeter of the metal for a pop of color. Then I found some after-season Christmas tree ornaments for the magnets by just cutting off the strings and gluing on round magnets to the back.

Every time I looked at the original hanger, the dusty blue and maroon bothered me. I had no maroon in the room, and my blues were either turquoise or sky. I tried to ignore it, but finally I decided to redo my Toy Land sign. Sigh, I liked that it said Toy Land--alluding to my storybook theme, but the colors had to go. I covered the graphic with scalloped cut scrapbook paper with a little mod podge, replaced the knobs with these fabulous blown glass pink ones, and put a sparkly flower embellishment in the center. Perfect.

Just goes to show you how often I redo or add to my crafts. ALL THE TIME.

Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

Pretty Petals Embelishment

I've been into making hairbows this past week...
I saw a cute hairbow like this at a craft boutique and just had to figure out how to make my own. I call it my pretty petals bow. I'm posting the intructions here so you can enjoy making one yourself. You can use this flower for a myriad of things too--not just hairbows!

1. You will need a needle, thread, scissors, a round object the size you want your finished flower to be, pencil, a bit of fabric (big enough to draw five ciricles with your round thing), and fun things to put in the center of your flower (buttons, mini flowers, vintage jewelry, etc)

2. Trace your round object five times (I used a ribbon spool) and cut out all the circles

3. Fold one circle in half with the "good side" out

4. Take each corner and fold them into the centerline to make a rounded-bottom triangle.

5. Sew the bottom of the rounded triangle with big stitches

6. Push the sewn triangle into the middle of the thread, and repeat the process with the rest of the cirlces.

7. Push all your triangles together and then tighten your thread as tight as it will go without breaking. Knot the thread together to hold it in place.

8. Glue your center piece in the middle and fill in the back hole with hot glue (I cover the hole with fabric or a ribbon leaf--totally optional)

9. Sew it onto a shirt, pillow, bag etc, or glue it onto a pin or alligator clip.
Walla, you have your own pretty petals flower. And you made it all by yourself.
Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The month of love and the Twitter debate..

A Valentine's card, with a lot of writing room on the inside, since it's super long and skinny. Did you know it really happened? The TV series, BONES, poked a little fun at those so enamored with the Valentine parade and pomp and pointed out there's no real excitement in celebrating a massacre. Evidently, seven people were gunned down on the day of love back in 1929, a big brawl between two rival gangs, involving police impersonators and mistaken identities. Sheesh, V-day will never be the same for me.

And I made some "original tweet" cards. Just perfect for my cousin Alicia, who is un-nerved by the fact Twitter is now a social network of catty comments and pointless updates. Really, no one cares a lick if you are at the puppy store, sitting bored at the mall or watching as your life passes by.

But a card really shows you care, so send one to your true friends today:

Tweet ya later!

Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Old book, New Tricks

The clothespin memo frame above Cory's desk needed some help.

He spends at least four to six hours a day studying there, and all he had to inspire him was a few random cards that I put up there 6 months ago. I assumed he would actually use the board, and eventually it would be filled up with his notes, or to-do lists, but turns out, he's not a big list person.

See? He hates it.

So, I wanted to make something that would make a statement, but not be too cutesy. It is, after all, for a man.

 Enter Rand McNally's Atlas, a mammoth vintage book I scored at Good will for 3 dollars a few months ago:

Oh Rand McNally, I love you so.

I ripped a few pages out of the ol' McNally, and ran them through the cricut to make some little triangles. If you don't have a cricut, this is where you would cozy up to a pair of scissors all friendly like. Each page made about 4 triangles.

Then, and this is the part that kills me,  it was easy peasy to sew them all together with the sewing machine. Did you know sewing machines can sew paper??? They can!!! Like a DREAM.

Well, it was news to me.

In about 5 minutes, I had a cute little pennant banner:

And, while I was in the page ripping mood, I went ahead a snagged the map featuring Belgium and the Netherlands. That's where Cory served his 2 year mission for our church, so I thought he might appreciate it. (Note: He totally got excited about the map, and started showing me every place he's been. It was cute.)

Here's a closer shot of the seam:
So..maybe it's not exactly straight. I think that adds to the charm...

I really can't believe how simple and easy this was! And I feel like a got a whole lot of bang for my buck here, which is always a plus.

And because its February:

So, go forth! and sew paper!


I'm linking this Pile o' Craft up to these parties:

Beyond The Picket Fencegiveaways

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who says Feb-RU-ary?

Is it just me, or is February one of those interesting English words?
Friend: Wha.....there's two "r's" in Febuary? I think I've misspelled that since I could write!
Me: I know. It's funny, but if you say Feb-RU-ary, you can kinda hear it.
Friend: No you can't. That's a dumb word. No wonder it only gets 28 days.
Me: 29 every 4 years, maybe it's a special month?
Friend: Yeah, it's "special" alright.

Oh and it's St. Valentine's month! The month of love, the month of amore, the month of sweet nothings.

Or, if you are like me, the month of it's-a-new-month-I'm-dying-to-decorate-something!

So I tried :).
Here's the table centerpiece. A few peonies from Target (yeah, those are fake), some red and white balls, a few hanging hearts from Hobby Lobby and a new red candle:
With this silk flower only costing $1.90, who could resist? World Market's clearance bin is fun to look through. AND I went to an estate auction and the vase was part of my $40 lot. I'll have to post about that was eye-opening and super fun. I was number 168!

I cannot get over how pretty the fake peonies from Target are, not half bad, I've had a few ask where I get my fresh flowers:

I took the ribbon off, it didn't really match too well:

These candy jars were in the auction lot too. I dolled them up with the leftovers from the red and white balls and the hanging hearts and re-used some of the moss and glitter letters from Christmas decor:
Can you see the ball at the top of the stack? The brown dotted one with little pearls sticking out from it? Yeah, I made it. Guess how? I took a 12X12 piece of brown dotted scrapbook paper, wadded it into a ball (yes, as though you will throw it away), played fetch (or in Daisy terms "go get it") with the dog a few times, glued down the tail end of the paper, and gave it some "glam" via gluing stamen pearls from a botched Martha Stewart craft attempt onto it. Hey, it could be worse:
Yeah, I ripped off the classic Valentine's stamp look:
Muwah! Loves from Pile o' Craft!

Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

Christmas in July, err February.....

Yes, these pictures are insanely late. Point for you. Nor are they complete. Another point for you.
But here they are, Christmas 2010 pictures of a few of the decor items I did. Three points for me, I win.
This is bad lighting, but it's an easy centerpiece idea; find a platter you already own, grab a few of the leftover Christmas ornaments and pile them on:

I wanted to have a style with a little vintage and allot of classy for Christmas. And while my decor is not necessarily going to win a spread in Martha Stewart, Potterybarn or Good Housekeeping, it was done on the cheap and looks pretty dang good. I really, really, really wanted a Magnolia leaf swag (like this one) winding it's way through the decor items, but maybe next year. I couldn't find enough charitable magnolia trees in the open and didn't care for a trespassing violation.

So, I grabbed some clearance fake amaryllis flowers from Wal-Mart, some moss filler from Hobby Lobby and went to work, trying to find stuff to use from around the house:

Lindy had the great idea to use glitter letters to spell out Christmas words, so I copied her:


This was the tree before it's addition of big bulbs:

And once these babies were on, the need for any additional lighting in the living room was nil:

Yeah, that's right, no other lights on and you can CLEARLY see my Martha's Minions wreaths ( see this post):

Quick side note here, when the instructions tell you not to connect more than 60 bulbs, just listen, changing out those little fuses is extremely irritating. SO, save yourself the 45 minutes it will take you to find the right strand and the 30 minutes to change out the fuse and don't connect more than 60 bulbs together.
This was so fun, I used frosted globe lights on my mini trees, they needed some pizazz!

And guess what, my St Valentine day decor is up too :). Post coming soon!
Don't forget to check out the "Party Central" tab to see what parties we love linking up to every week!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Novice Quilting

Remember Cory's last minute Christmas Quilt? Obviously I didn't, because I decided to start making another one about two seconds after Christmas. I watch a seriously sweet and crafty 9 year old 3 days a week. We took a special trip to Jo-Ann's one day, so she could pick out her fabric, and get a few supplies. 

Pastel fabric paint, a few fat quarters, and some truly appalling acts of seamstressing later, we present you with our masterpiece:

Any of you ladies who know ANYthing about sewing would be absolutely shocked that this montrosity happened. I know my grandmother is rolling. Let's just say, I now know that safety scissors and fabric do not mix well. But, my own failings as a seamstress aside, watching Bridget learn about sewing was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Bridget picked the fabric out herself, and designed and hand painted each and every square. She sat in my lap and worked the sewing machine too!

The ice cream and tire swing scene were some of our favorite squares:

This project took a whole month of afternoons to finish (well, three days a week for a month), and we both developed patience working on it. It may not be may be really, really, far from perfect... but we MADE it, and we're ridiculously proud of it. 

Good luck on your own sewing adventures---let me tell you, if we can do it, anyone can!

Linking our masterpiece up to The Penny Pinching Party! Click it to see other people's awesomeness.